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Spring Cleaning

Tip From an Engineer: 3 Ways to Maintain Healthy Air Quality in Your Living Spaces

Spring is in the air, which means so are excess allergens that trigger allergies and asthma in susceptible individuals. Here are some tips to maintain a healthy air quality in your living spaces to prevent allergy and asthma symptoms from exacerbating.

With Spring now in full swing, allergy and asthma sufferers will notice more severe symptoms due to the increased pollen count in the air. Indoor allergens such as pollen, dust, mold, and pet dander make their way inside and settle on indoor surfaces which negatively affect indoor air quality. Doing a deep clean of the often-forgotten areas in your living spaces can improve air quality and prevent those irritating seasonal allergy and asthma symptoms from worsening.

Dust Your Ceiling Fans

When a ceiling fan travels through the air quickly, static electricity builds up on the leading edges of the fan blades, which causes dust particles to cling to the fan. To prevent excess allergens from circulating, wipe down your ceiling fans with a damp cloth to trap the dust and dirt, rather than brushing the allergens back into the air with a duster.

Change your Air Filters

The middle tips should go into a bit more detail, explain more. Keep them short and to-the-point. E.g., if you're writing a post about how to blog, you can write something like: "Decide how often you want to blog. Be realistic about it. Think you can blog twice a month? Commit to once a month and stick to it."

Vacuum with a HEPA Filter

High Efficiency Particulate Air (HEPA) filters are the most effective at trapping indoor contaminants that cause allergies due to their interlaced glass fiber web structure. HEPA filters can remove 99.97% of particles that are 0.3 microns such as pollen, dust, mold, and bacteria, and are recommended for households with allergy sufferers. Check your vacuum manufacturer's recommendations to see if your vacuum is equipped to support a HEPA filter.

By implementing these simple tips, you can make the most out of Spring by eliminating some of those irritating allergy and asthma symptoms. Embrace the new season with a clean living space and enjoy the benefits of fresh air. Happy Spring!

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